Designing a gamebook for kids: What I learned from it! Part 3/3

Before I talk about the learnings from making this book, I wanted to put the images of the book. Instead of telling a meandering story about what I learned, I have kept it brief. Overall, I feel the journey was a fruitful one to start with. I’m now in the process of making a newer […]

Designing a gamebook for kids: How I did it! Part 2/3

How I did it was just thanks to flow: I just got into the rhythm of creating content the way I always have. It’s a no-nonsense simple linear process I realized that helped dumb-ass me to always create consistent content. I started with the Why. Why am I making this book? As mentioned in the […]

Designing a gamebook for kids: Why I did it! Part 1/3

Cover Page of Fruits & Vegetables book by CGokul. The cover page is filled completely with vegetables and fruits mixed together so densely that you cannot see the table underneath it. Also, they are arranged such that on the right corner, it starts in violet/purple color with eggplants, crotons and gradually move to red color with chillies, tomato. Then to orange with oranges, carrots to finish in yellow on the left most corner with lemons. The color transition is very smooth and gradual.

Ok, I never thought I would design a book for kids but 3 things happened that led to this. One: My college classmate came down to India from the “Stone Age” (inside joke, move on!) and met her kids multiple times over the month she was in Chennai. Now, let me set the context. I […]